Apsc to full frame conversion
Apsc to full frame conversion


In fact full frame refers to the frame size of 35mm film. When talking about crop factors and lens equivalencies in the real world, its common for people to say "35mm equivalent" instead of "full frame equivalent". Visualization 5 Crop Factors in Real World Conversation To achieve a true 135mm FOV with a 1.3x crop factor you need a 104mm lens with a 1.6x crop factor you need a 84mm lens with a 2x crop factor you need a 68mm lens with a 1.5x crop factor you need a 90mm lens To achieve a true 28mm FOV with a 1.6x crop factor you need a 18mm lens with a 2x crop factor you need a 14mm lens with a 1.5x crop factor you need a 19mm lens with a 1.3x crop factor, you need a 22mm lens To achieve a true 35mm FOV with a 1.5x crop factor you need a 23mm lens with a 1.3x crop factor you need a 27mm lens with a 1.6x crop factor you need a 22mm lens with a 2x crop factor you need a 18mm lens To achieve a true 50mm FOV with a 1.5x crop factor you need a 33mm lens with a 2x crop factor you need a 25mm lens with a 1.3x crop factor you need a 38mm lens with a 1.6x crop factor you need a 31mm lens To achieve a true 85mm FOV with a 1.5x crop factor you need a 57mm lens with a 1.6x crop factor you need a 53mm lens with a 2x crop factor you need a 43mm lens with a 1.3x crop factor you need a 65mm lens 1.3x Crop Factor The 35mm equivalent of a 35mm lens is a 27mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 50mm lens is a 38mm lens The 35mm equivalent of an 85mm lens is a 65mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 135mm lens is a 104mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 28mm lens is a 22mm lens 1.5x Crop Factor The 35mm equivalent of an 85mm lens is a 57mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 28mm lens is a 19mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 135mm lens is a 90mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 50mm lens is a 33mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 35mm lens is a 23mm lens 1.6x Crop Factor The 35mm equivalent of a 28mm lens is an 18mm lens The 35mm equivalent of an 85mm lens is a 53mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 135mm lens is an 84mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 50mm lens is a 31mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 35mm lens is a 22mm lens 2x Crop Factor The 35mm equivalent of a 135mm lens is a 68mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 35mm lens is an 18mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 50mm lens is a 25mm lens The 35mm equivalent of an 85mm lens is a 43mm lens The 35mm equivalent of a 28mm lens is a 14mm lens

Apsc to full frame conversion